TPPC Annual Pledge Drive Continues
While stewardship and giving are ongoing activities within our Church community, this is the time of year when we hold our annual pledge drive. Having a sense of the level of giving for the next year helps the Finance Committee draft a realistic budget each year.
The theme of this year’s pledge drive is “Respond to God’s Love with Your Whole Selves” and know that the Church appreciates all the gifts each of you brings to our beloved community.
The Finance and Stewardship Committee’s goal for Stewardship for 2023 is 75 pledging units (individual or family) and $300,000 in financial giving.
Recently, each of you received a statement detailing your contributions for this year and a pledge card for 2023. You can mail your pledge card to the church or place it in the offering plate during worship. You can also email your pledge to the Stewardship and Finance Committee at or you can pledge online at:
The Stewardship and Finance Committee is grateful for the support of our Church community and will keep you updated as the Campaign progresses.
Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash