Support the People of Ukraine
Photo by Elena Mozhviloon on Unsplash
Our prayers are with the people of Ukraine as they confront the continuing invasion of their homeland by Russian forces. Here are some organizations that offer tangible support to Ukrainian refugees.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has launched an appeal for funds to help support the Church’s humanitarian response to the Russian attack on Ukraine. This effort is being coordinated through Presbyterian World Mission and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) to determine how the church can respond to the growing refugee crisis, as well as the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
More information on this effort can be accessed on the Presbyterian World Mission site.
Another site is Help for Ukraine, an effort of Diakonie ECCB (Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren) based in the Czech Republic. Money donated here will go directly to help with the humanitarian crisis in and around Ukraine and provide foster family care and help to homeless refugees.
Note that your donation will be specified in Euros, which is about 1.12 US Dollars.
Another option is to give to the annual One Great Hour of Sharing offering to enable Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to respond quickly to catastrophic events. Donations for One Great Hour of Sharing can be made online or can be included in the collection plate at any Lenten worship service.