This Sunday’s Worship: February 28
(Sunday, February 28 At 11 AM, Second Sunday in Lent, Live-Streamed On Zoom)
Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Take Up Your Cross
Christ of the Upward Way
Service Preview (Online):
Sermon: “I Been ‘Buked” by Rev. James Reisner
“Take up your cross,” Jesus says, “and follow me … For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it.”
“This gospel of Jesus Christ … is not finally about finding a way to make ourselves feel good, or at least better. This is about truth to base your life on, truth about God, about human life, truth about your life and mine … This is about the amazing and mysterious idea that God holds nothing back in order to show us how powerfully and profoundly and unconditionally we are loved. And this is about your deepest need and mine: to know that love and to live that love and to become our truest and best selves by finding a way, for the love of God, to give our lives away.”
After worship we will send people to the Zoom break out rooms so that people can visit and converse with one another more easily.
We plan to continue to do this on the 2nd and last Sundays of the month.
About Online Worship
We will gather by ZOOM (feed available starting about 10:45 AM). At the moment, Pastor Reisner and a few others broadcast from the church sanctuary while worshipers will be invited to sign on ZOOM.
Directions on how to connect and participate in virtual worship will be sent via a e-mail. If you are unfamiliar with ZOOM we recommend you read up a little before the service. We will set an informal and experimental mood, ask forgiveness as we stumble along our way in a new medium. It will be fun.
We will set an informal and experimental mood, ask forgiveness as we stumble along our way in a new medium. It will be fun.
For more information on TPPC's coronavirus response, access the TPCC Coronavirus Update page.