This Sunday’s Worship: January 2
Sunday, January 2 At 11 AM, Communion Sunday, Live-Streamed On Zoom
Romare Bearden, Black Madonna and Child, collage (1969), Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, The Joseph H. Hirshhorn Bequest, 1981
Isaiah 60:4-6 and Matthew 2:1-12
Arise, Your Light is Come!
What Star is This, with Beams So Bright
Come Live in the Light
Sermon Preview:
Sermon: "Worship is Dangerous" by Rev. Mark Harper
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
Desmond Tutu
We will celebrate Communion this Sunday.
Celebrating the sacrament on Zoom creates a challenge. If you are worshiping from home, we recommend that you prepare your own elements for communion – a cup of juice or wine; a piece of bread.
We may trust that the holy mystery of the Living Christ among us which we affirm in Communion is great enough to transcend the limitations of our distance from one another in a Zoom meeting in this form of worship.
The current COVID surge is showing no signs of letting up, and while we continue to hope that this variant proves less severe than its predecessors, it has already impacted several members of the TPPC community. Please keep James and Janelle Bingham in your prayers as they tested positive this past week and are not feeling well as of this writing. We are so grateful to Karen Boyer for being our accompanist this Sunday. And our Worship and Health and Safety teams will certainly keep monitoring the virus data as we make decisions about in-person worship moving forward. For now, we will continue virtual worship through January 9th. Stay tuned!
Grace and peace,
About Online Worship
We will gather by ZOOM (feed available starting about 10:45 AM).
Directions on how to connect and participate in virtual worship will be sent via a e-mail. If you are unfamiliar with ZOOM we recommend you read up a little before the service. We will set an informal and experimental mood, ask forgiveness as we stumble along our way in a new medium. It will be fun.
We will set an informal and experimental mood, ask forgiveness as we stumble along our way in a new medium. It will be fun.
For more information on TPPC's coronavirus response, access the TPCC Coronavirus Update page.