TPPC Offerings for Holy Week, 2023
TPPC offers a number of activities during Holy Week, leading up to Easter Sunday.
The Worship Ministry is providing an opportunity for you to beautify the Sanctuary for Easter by purchasing an Easter Lily. For more information access the Easter Lillies page.
On Holy Week, there will be several opportunities for worship:
On Palm Sunday (April 2nd) at 11 AM, weather permitting, the members of the congregation are invited to gather on the church lawn to process into the sanctuary with palms, following the choir and the children.
On Maundy Thursday (April 6th) at 7 PM, there will be a tenabrae (“darkness”) service with communion in the sanctuary.
On Good Friday (April 7th) at noon, there will be a simple service in the Sanctuary.
On Easter Sunday (April 9th), the day will begin with our Easter Breakfast, which starts at 9:30 AM in the Assembly Room. Please consider bringing a dish to share. Our Easter Sunday celebration will be held at 11 AM in the Sanctuary.
During Holy Week, we will collect the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering. The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People - all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need.
For more information, access the One Great Hour of Sharing website.
More details on these and other activities will be announced as they become available.